From: Paul Mison Date: 20:21 on 07 Apr 2004 Subject: Finder list view selection and stuff In every Finder, ever, up to and including Mac OS X 10.2, you could drag a rectangle to make your selection in both list and icon views. This meant that you could do some slightly clever things in a list with disclosed items (you know, that little triangle pointing down instead of across? Yes, them), such as selecting the top level folders only by dragging a narrow vertical selection. Well, I've just realised that you can't do that in 10.3's Finder. (I'm very tempted to call it rude names, by the way. Loser, perhaps?) No, in 10.3, you don't get a little rectangle. You just select every folder as you go up the list. So you can't do anything clever to just view the top folders. You can't even do tricks to do with opening the parent of the folder and playing with option click to disclose, because * the Finder doesn't handle 'disclose all' properly (should be option click, but actually this only works for the immediate children) * the Finder doesn't enforce a single view per folder (as a true spatial interface would, and as the pre Mac OS X Finder did), so it wouldn't record your change properly anyway Oh, and what do you expect to happen if you drag a selection like: folder child_one child_two to the Desktop? Well, it thinks you want to keep child_one and child_two inside folder. (I thought it might make child_one and child_two wind up at the same level as folder; I think the Mac OS Finder would have, anyway.) Of course, it doesn't copy the view settings or anything. No, that would be TOO EASY. Oh, and sometimes Finder forgets how to respond to command keys. Like, oooh, command W. Or command O. You know, little things, like BEHAVING LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING APP ON THE MAC EVER. Right. I need to move files about. Time to start up a Mac OS machine and connect the Ethernet network to this one.
Generated at 10:28 on 16 Apr 2008 by mariachi